Baby girl has definitely grown this week, because I sure have! Those little kicks are slowly but surely getting stronger day by day. My favorite fun fact of the week is that Aidia is now having more regular sleep patterns, and is likely dreaming! I wonder what she dreams about- I'm sure the dreams are heavenly, I would love a peak at what she sees.
I'm so happy to be halfway through the second trimester, every single day I am reminded of God's miracles. They are so much more obvious when you have to wait for them to happen. I forgot to write last week that Aidia is now measuring normal for the due date instead of big (hooray!!) I love my Jack Jack but if I can avoid birthing another baby over 9 lbs, that would be great. It gives me more confidence that my due date is correct also (Jack was likely two weeks late.)
I've been thinking this week about the hymn "I Need Thee Every Hour." We sing "I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain." That has never struck me as more true than in my life now. I used to think in our time of joy we needed God because we just needed to be thankful. Now more than ever, I need Him to help me feel my joy. We have dreamed of this time of miracles for so long, that I struggle believing, thinking, "it's too good to be true." I got so used to the idea that strong faith meant having the faith "not to be healed" and knowing that life would still be ok, and even good. Faith can also mean believing in being healed. God never left us even in our darkest days, and I still need Him now to help me celebrate our joyous days. I pray with gratitude, but I also pray for help to have faith to be happy and have joy. We really do rely on him every hour.
I've had a good time this week starting to prepare the house more for baby's arrival. We were able to redo a dresser we found on KSL a month ago for a killer deal. I'm so excited about it! Up to this point we've only primed it (and I painted the knobs) but it already looks fantastic! We were going to leave it like that, but my parents are going to help us out so we can buy some paint! Now I'm excited all over again to finish it! Since Aidia won't have her own room until we move (her crib will be with us, and her dresser in Jack's room) this dresser is going to hold basically everything of hers... baby central station. I'm glad we found such a fantastic dresser with lots of storage.
I've also been picking up smaller baby items as I find good deals on them. I sell Jack's too-small clothes to a Kid-to-Kid and with that credit I can pick up things for Aidia. I scored this week! I was especially happy to find a little bracelet. It looks big for a brand new baby...but the newborn ones would never have fit on my squishy Jack! We'll just have to see how chubby she is.
My favorite is the pink doctor bib! Dream big baby girl! |
My doctor appointment went really well this week. Between the OB, the MFM, and myself, we have finally come to the consensus that I will stay on the aspirin through delivery and six weeks postpartum. I'm so happy that we've come to this decision- it's what I've felt best about in my gut the whole time. The dose is low enough that it shouldn't effect anything with delivery at the hospital, like an epidural or emergency c-section. We were able to plan out prenatal care like the tdap shot and thyroid checks for the next few months- and I always do better with a plan! Thankfully, because of my history, we are still planning to do two more ultrasounds. One at 28 weeks and one at 34. Peace of mind is priceless and I'm anticipating those ultrasounds will give me just that.
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Countdown! |
Kevin and I were talking about how we feel like these last 19 weeks are going to drag. Not because I'm "sick of being pregnant" but because we are just so anxious to have her here healthy and safe and be able to hold her in our arms. Nonetheless, I'm sure by the end it will seem like it went by fast. I'm trying to enjoy it one week at a time! We're also excited for Kevin to finish his last rotation, pass the licensing board, graduate, and start working! So...lots of that needs to happen before Aidia makes her appearance. I'm trying to focus on spending my time with Jack Jack right now. He starts full day Kindergarten in two weeks, so these are our last long days together with him as an only child. Trying to treasure them despite the fits he throws!
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