Wednesday, September 21, 2016

26 week update

I feel like my belly has popped out yet again!  Maybe this little girl is following in Jack's giant baby footsteps after all.  We will see how much she weighs at our ultrasound in two weeks.  It's getting pretty hard to be comfortable already and she still has 13 weeks left to grow! (thank you induction at 39 weeks)

This week her eyes should open so she can practice blinking and start responding to any light that she's able to perceive.  Her eyelashes are all grown in and I can't wait to get a good look at that pretty baby face.  I'm hoping to be able to do a 4D ultrasound around 30 weeks and see what our daughter looks like.  Right now she is about the length and weight of a butternut squash!  Good thing they curl up in there!

One of my favorite moments this week was receiving a care package from my sweet friend in Idaho.  She made Aidia three hats, a blanket, and this adorable little toy octopus.  She has been calling baby Octavia or Octopus from the beginning because she is my 8th pregnancy.  I love that she made such a cute toy in honor of our miracle.  She always said 8 was her lucky number- looks like it's lucky for us too. 

I had one major scare this week.  It seems like there always has to be at least one.  I woke up with a start in the middle of the night, feeling like there was a knife in my belly.  At first, I thought it was round ligament pain from turning over and planned to just breathe through it.  The pain increased and was constant on one side.  It was a really scary feeling because it seemed like something really must be wrong.  I couldn't talk through the pain.  I thought I was going to be on my way to the hospital- but after about 20 minutes the pain changed and lightened slightly.  I watched it through the night and since there was no bleeding I was able to stay home.  Kevin looked at where the pain had been the next morning and said it went along the entire iliopsoas major- he thought I probably had a severe charlie horse cramp that started in the groin and went all the way up my belly.  It made sense- but wow, the pain was so bad.  I've been making sure to stay hydrated and I've started supplementing with magnesium to help keep those cramps down.  I'm glad baby moved a lot for me in the morning to let me know she was ok.  I haven't had another episode so I feel confident in saying it wasn't a kidney stone or burst cyst or anything else.

Jack and I have had lots of fun bringing in the fall season.  We had a family birthday dinner for him on Sunday and he is just the happiest kid!  Of course he is busy at school- but after school we've had fun dressing up the puppy in his halloween costume, Broncos jersey on game days, and of course a sweater anytime we go outside (because puppy is a big wimp.)  Plus my sister gave me an awesome halloween shirt for me and baby girl.  Haha!  I'm so excited for all the holidays to start- I think it will help the last 13 weeks go by faster.  <3


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