29 days left! At the most! It's still looking like my induction date will be set as December 22nd- which would be 39 weeks and 1 day. The good news is I can feel my body changing and I've had a lot more regular and more painful Braxton Hicks contractions, so I'm hoping things will at least be started on their own. Natural is always easier. I would rather walk around at a 3 for a few weeks than try to start from nothing on induction day!
This Thanksgiving I have SO much to be grateful for. A healthy and brilliant son, who is actually pretty hilarous most of the time and brings lots of light to our lives. A HEALTHY daughter, who is SO close to joining our family- after we have prayed for so many years and mourned so many losses. What a blessing to experience what a real miracle is! I have the most loving husband (who hasn't been able to keep up with all the places who want to interview him!) who is now FINISHED with clinical internships and graduates with his Doctorate in 16 days! I feel like so many blessings are being realized at the exact same time. It makes for a stressful month, but in the best way. The Lord has blessed us more than we can express.
Everything being said, I have had a difficult week dealing with anxiety. I think that's pretty normal as you get closer to delivery. Part of me wants her to come a bit early while I know she's still healthy so no complications can suddenly arise...part of me wants her to be full term to avoid any NICU stays or health issues. My friend told me, "Trust your body," and I've been clinging to that advice. I'm trying to put my fear of stillbirth aside and trust that as long as her weekly NSTs are looking good and she is moving well, my body will know when it's time for her to be born. I'm glad they won't make me go to 40 weeks (or past it) just to be on the safe side. Speaking of NSTs, Aidia did great this week! It is so comforting to see her heart and fluid doing exactly what it should be doing! I got a cute video of the monitor moving all over as she tried to kick it off my belly.
Nesting has REALLY kicked in this week. That, and my ice craving is in full force now. At least it's not an expensive craving! I have loved getting some things ready for sweet baby girl to arrive!
Diaper station/ Dresser in Jack's room is all done! |
Stocked up! The middle drawer is 0-3 months and the bottom drawer is 3 months and up! |
Hospital Bag packed and ready to go |
Warm and Cozy! Now just to get it installed in the car...![]() |
I love you my little Rainbow! I can't wait to see your beautiful face in a month!
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