We are so happy that we have made it to 36 weeks! Though it is still early for her to come, I feel confident that she is developed enough that she would be ok if delivery did happen at this point. I was a 36 weeker myself (and I turned out ok, right?) I don't have any reason to believe that she needs to come early though! Her NST was great this week. I still have 3 weeks left unless Mother Nature has something else in mind. My appointment this week went well too. The doctor wasn't happy that I've lost two more pounds- but baby is growing fine so I'm going to say it's a bonus. He was like, "How did you lose two pounds over Thanksgiving?!" Two words. Gestational Diabetes. I have to watch everything I eat! They did my Strep B test and once that comes back we will get the induction on the schedule! I finished typing up my birth plan today. I tried to keep it simple- especially knowing that it's all best-case scenario and you never really know what's going to happen. I think it's a good idea to have your plans and wishes in front of you though, and try to work toward what is best for you and baby.
Thanksgiving |
I'm starting to have signs that I'm in the final month- she is starting to drop slightly lower (which is painful but I'm thankful to breathe a little easier.) I've had lots more cervical pain and contractions this week, so I can tell my body is gearing up. They checked my cervix yesterday and I'm dilated to a 1cm. That is fantastic! It's not too much to make us worry about preterm labor, but it tells me that my body is cooperating. I'm hopeful that I will dilate a few more centimeters before induction which would make it that much easier. Natural dilation is always easier and less painful that forced dilation. I have been increasingly anxious. It's that feeling that there is not enough time to finish everything, and yet being impatient for her to arrive safely. I'm trying to enjoy little moments with Kevin and Jack- knowing that our family won't have the same dynamics again. Especially relaxing late at night with Kevin, I think I will miss that. Soon we will be sharing our room!
We have a few more things ready to go now. The carseat is installed and ready in the car, and our Owlet baby monitor arrived this week. Some people don't like using pulse ox type monitors at home because of possible false alarms- but I know myself and my anxiety. I would much rather deal with a few false alarms than feel like I can't sleep in case my baby stops breathing in the night. I'm telling you I never slept peacefully the first year of Jack's life. I love that I will be able to check her vitals from my phone in live time- that allows me to check on her without going in the room and waking her up!
We have a full car! |
The worst part of this week was ANOTHER hospital visit. On Sunday I woke up with a bad headache, so I decided to stay home from church and rest to keep my blood pressure down. When Kevin got home he checked my pressure and it was 150/100. Noooo! Instead of calling the doctor and being sent straight to L&D- we decided to see if we could get it to come down at home. Slowly but steadily, it came down through the 140s and eventually into the mid 130s so I felt ok staying home and not calling. I took some headache medicine and tried to rest. The next day, my blood pressure was good in the morning, so I was up and working on things. By the afternoon, the headache was back and my pressure read at 156/100. That was alarming, so we called. The OB sent me to the hospital to repeat preeclampsia labs. Wouldn't you know it, by the time I was settled in a hospital bed, my pressure was back to normal! I was
beyond frustrated. I either need treatment for this or not, but I hate being a frequent flier to the hospital. I'm like...please believe me...it was really bad, my head is screaming. The nurses told me not to take my pressure so often (even though we only took it twice that day and the doctor told me to watch it closely if we get a high reading.) The cuff has been checked for accuracy and Kevin takes it manually- so we knew it was all over the place. I started getting LOW readings in the hospital and it was so weird.
Thankfully, my labs came back mostly good- and we are guessing that I'm just getting migraines that are causing the high blood pressure instead of the other way around. Which is safer for baby- so I'm good with that. I have been instructed to lay in bed on my left side at least three times a day to avoid it spiking again. I've been working on that even though I get stressed out- and it seems to be helping. Even though the hospital stay was frustrating, I was glad that I got to come home again. The good news is that baby girl was so active in the hospital, the nurse had to come hold the monitor on my belly for an hour straight to try and get a good reading on Aidia. She said "I can't believe how active this kid is. She must be healthy."
Jack gave Aidia his "new old Mickey" as he calls it- because it matches her crib and he knows babies see black and white well. I love seeing how much he cares for her already! Her grandma also made her a "My First Christmas" ornament and I love seeing it on our tree!
Sweet little girl, how could you even know how much love this world already has for you? You are adored. You are so blessed to be born completely surrounded by those who care so deeply for you. Cards and gifts and well wishes have been pouring in from all over the place! Words can't describe how much your Daddy and I love you, and what we would give for you. We have given all we could to bring you here, and you are living proof of God's miracles!
Girl Time! |
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