Sunday, August 17, 2014

MIRACLES- Feeling God's Love For Us.


Weeks like the one we had last week are hard.  You feel like you hit rock bottom.  You wonder why it has to be so hard.  Why did we crash the car on the way to the fertility clinic?  Why did it have to eat up all the savings we had for the tests?    
And then, God's love happens.  We did our best to trust in Him, and then he reminded us how much He loves us. 

An anonymous family in the area heard what happened to us.  Apparently, they put aside a little money each month so that once a year they can serve a family.  They left a check for the exact cost of our deductible. I was sobbing.  God loves us.  I am beyond humbled.  I knelt down and through my tears, thanked Heavenly Father.  He already knew the financial burden would be lifted and we just had to trust Him.  If He had a plan for our financial needs, of course He has a plan for our future children. 

It was hard to accept the money (really hard), but I know it's a blessing from God through righteous people, and they will be blessed also because of their kindness and generosity.  They embody Christlike love.  I want to be like that family.  Someday, we will have the chance to pay it forward. 

The car accident did get us thinking about taking our fertility plans in a different direction.  But it also provided an opportunity for Heavenly Father to show His love for us.  It gave Him a chance to bless us if we could trust Him.  It gave another family the opportunity to serve.  It gave us the chance to see the example of this anonymous family and strive to be more like them.  God is good.  He is our loving Father.
One of the blessings of going through really hard trials is seeing amazing blessings along the way. 
It’s amazing because I was just collecting my thoughts and writing for another post when this happened.  We’ve discovered some hopeful medical information and have been trying to decide what direction to go in next.  It’s interesting now to read what I JUST wrote a few hours ago.  My perspective has changed so much already.  We may still wait on some of the testing, but I’ve been so blessed for the little faith that I have. 

Writing from a few hours earlier (amazing how much my attitude has changed):

It's so frustrating to feel like we've tried so many things.  Pregnancy without intervention, specialists, waiting for long stretches, going to fertility clinics, etc.  And the answer is always "no." over and over "no no no."  Just once I wish the answer would be "yes."  That we would find hope, or good news, or witness a miracle and have a live birth.  I try to trust that Heavenly Father has a better idea or plan for us down the road; but, the longer we go without good news the harder that faith is to find.

It's hard to know if I'm being faithful or just being impatient.  Moving into our current apartment seemed irresponsible, because we didn't have work or a way to pay for it, but we felt strongly we should move in, and when we acted on (what I hoped was) faith, it worked out.  Is this the same thing?  Or are we just pushing for what we want instead of listening for the Lord's will?  When emotions are so strong it's hard to discern between feelings.    

I talked to my friend who is a nurse, who called me a medical mystery, but felt like if she were me, she would try again for a pregnancy on the active folic acid.  She thinks there is a good chance it could make a difference for us.   She had a friend who suffered a few miscarraiges, and two still births before she was put on active folate, and then had healthy twins.  That was reassuring.

I talked to another friend who has been like family to me for years.  She reminded me of the eternal perspective.  If we want to see if we can have a healthy pregnancy on active folate, and progesterone before completing every test possible everything will be ok.  She said even if the worst happens, nothing is lost for us if we're righteous, and then we will know for certain that we need to spend the money to have every possible test done.  And how much of a miracle would it be, if the baby was healthy, and we were spared from going through the process of extensive fertility and DNA testing?

I'm so thankful to have talked to these friends of mine because sometimes it's hard to see my own faith until it's reflected back in their testimonies.  Because I agree with everything they've said.  I know that financially the extensive testing is quite a way down the road.  I know that we have a decent chance of resolving the problem with the new discoveries we've already found.  I probably wouldn't be headed down this direction if it wasn't for the car crash, but here we are. 

I think I keep waiting for a big spiritual sign of which direction we should go in.  Wait, try, save for testing, or some Plan C I haven't thought of yet.  But church this week reminded me that sometimes God wants us to decide and act, and trust in Him that He will make everything work out as we are doing our best, and according to His plan. 

I feel a little better because I don't think that patience is my problem right now.  If I knew with a certainty that I needed to wait another year (like an angel came down and told me that) I could certainly do it, and focus on my life happening now, and find happiness.  It's the feeling that maybe it is time to act that gets me.  I worry I'm not doing enough.  I think as I prepare and continually pray, peace will come about what to do.  We will follow that reassurance and trust that Heavenly Father has a plan for our family.

I'm still so thankful for the clinic, and I still think it is wise to work with them if we choose to attempt pregnancy.  They can still offer more help early on than anywhere else.  The doctor advised to not attempt pregnancy until every test was completed (which is wise, of course) but being in doctoral school, and living mostly on loans, we will really have to decide if that's what God wants us to do. 

While writing this, I stumbled on a huge tender mercy from another blog.  This woman’s story sounds EXACTLY like mine, and it is reassuring to see her success with what we are considering!

“MTHFR is a genetic mutation. I have the homozygous scenario --Two of my genes (1 A and 1 C) are mutated, or broken, or whatever.

Here's how my doctor explained this to me... People with MTHFR factor don't produce folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. So, wohoo ... one might think, big deal! But on the contrary, it IS a big deal! Women with MTHFR factor have spontaneous miscarriages between 5th and 6th weeks (uh, that would be me--4 of them), and a lack of B6 and B12 directly affects rapidly reproducing cells... and that would be what an embryo does. In fact, a lack of B6 and B12 causes rapidly reproducing cells to STOP reproducing. So, my doctor put me on a massive cocktail of Baby Aspirin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and B12... and I do mean MASSIVE ... and -- WOW... what a difference! I got an instant jolt of energy, and come to find out, that's how I should have been feeling if I didn't have this MTHFR factor!

I take 2 milligrams of Folic Acid, 100 mg of B6, and 250 micrograms of B12. I also took (notice I say "took") a baby aspirin daily until I had a positive pregnancy test in February. Then, I only stopped the aspirin, but continued everything else. Surprisingly, my prenatal vitamin only had 1 milligram of Folic Acid, 3 milligrams of B6, and 8 micrograms of B12. That's nothing in comparison with what I take now!!! By the way... I take regular old over the counter vitamins. I could get a prescription for the Folic acid, but why bother. It's cheap enough.

I started this cocktail back in November. I had my next IVF transfer in January, and am now, for the first time in my life, carrying a healthy and happy baby. I'm 15 weeks pregnant. After 15 years (that's not a typo!) of non-stop trying to get pregnant with a ton of different doctors, I'm finally pregnant ... I just want to cry tears of joy each time I think of our baby, or see him or her on the ultrasound machine. My heart is overflowing with joy!

And ... I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this diagnosis and corrective action (vitamin cocktail) is what my successful pregnancy is attributed to.”

Reading this I feel confident that these issues are related to our losses, if not the only cause.  And I can’t help but wonder, “”

Because, miracles.  That’s how.

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