Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Supplement Plan- Approved!!

One of the most important things I've learned on this journey is to be an advocate for your own health.  I've done a lot of research.  Like, a lot.  Because if I don't try to figure out what's going on with body, who will?  I’ve put together a daily supplement plan that *hopefully* would allow me to properly nourish a baby, despite my MTHFR (and Factor V, low protein C and S, and hypothyroidism.)  

As a side note, can I just say how thankful I am that I’ve been working in the supplement industry for the last five years?!  I feel like I would be so lost and confused even attempting to create a plan like this without my work background.  Even knowing simple things like which vitamins are water soluble, or how to split up doses is extremely helpful in attempting a plan like this.

I feel very confident in this new supplement plan.  I'm not sure if it will be the answer to our problem, but I think that being this thorough will either bring us better results, or rule it out as our main problem.  I've mentioned before that this business of recurrent pregnancy loss is a nasty game of guess and check, but there isn't really another way to go about it.  We won't know until we try.  Thankfully- I feel REALLY good about these supplements.  I feel happy about this- and I haven't really felt happy about a proposed solution in a while.  Kevin feels the same way I do.  I was reassured when I emailed my thoughts to a nurse at the fertility clinic and she "approved" the plan and wished us the best of luck.  That makes me feel that my research has not been wasted!  I may be on the right track.  Now, I'm counting on Heavenly Father to make up the difference for us if it is in His plan and timing.
I thought of the story of The Brother of Jared in the Book of Mormon.  He and his family were preparing to cross the ocean in new vessels that they had no experience with.  Although the vessels were water-tight, they were dark.  The Brother of Jared was praying, looking for a way that the vessels to have light.  Instead of providing him with an answer, the Lord basically told him to come up with a plan.  The Brother of Jared cleaned small stones, and asked the Lord to touch them so that they would shine.  The Lord blessed the Brother of Jared for his faith, and extended His finger to touch the stones.  Through this miracle, the stones were bright and gave light to the families during their journey.  I don’t know whether the plan I have come up with is the true solution to whatever is biochemically happening in my body.  But if the timing is correct, I know the Lord can bless my plan and have it serve the purpose He wants.  If he can help stones to shine and give light, he can turn my best efforts into miracles. 
If you would like to read this scripture story it is found in the Book of Ether, chapters 2-3. 

It's amazing how I'm always introduced to a "friend of a friend" who has MTHFR, or found some other helpful information right at the exact time I need it.  It helps put us on the right track. Heavenly Father has everything organized.  I'm thankful for friendship- that we were put on this Earth in groups so we can help and serve each other.

I'm not exactly sure how long I will stay on these supplements before we decide to try and conceive, but I think it will be in the next couple months.  Wish us luck and healthy baby dust!

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