Wednesday, July 27, 2016

18 week update

We are really starting to fill out these maternity clothes!
We're 18 weeks today!  Baby is getting bigger (much, much bigger) and stronger.  I'm still waiting ever-so-patiently for that first strong kick, but I have felt increasing movement this week.  It's a great comfort and I'm glad I don't have to use the doppler as often.  Baby's hair and eyelashes should be growing in this week!  It's probably too early to blame the heartburn on hair growth, but I have horrible heartburn this week so maybe ;)  I have had some continuing spotting this week, but it was never severe enough to go back to the doctor.  I'm glad I have more of an understanding where the spotting is coming from, and when I slow down and rest the bleeding slows down too.  Only 2 more weeks until we get to see the specialist again.  That will be our 20 week ultrasound where they will check EVERYTHING in great detail.  They will check all her organs and the cord for any deformities and also see where the placenta is now.  I think we will have a better understanding of what kind of monitoring we will need for placenta previa after that ultrasound.  My fingers are crossed that it will show a perfect healthy little girl and show improvement in placenta placement.  

It hit me this week how much love and support I have been surrounded by constantly!  I have had countless numbers of people reach out to us just to see how we're doing.  I know that we are included in so many daily prayers.  I feel like everyone I know is thankful for this miracle baby, and everyone is hoping with us that she will make a safe and healthy entrance into this world.  It is such a humbling experience to be so loved and so cared about.  I feel really blessed.  What a fantastic way for her to start her life- born into much love from every direction!

One such example was this week when the Pack N Play from my registry just showed up on my front porch.  My best friend bought it for me just because.  I was so excited and emotional!  It's hard to believe we will really need baby supplies again.  My registry is still a work in progress so if anyone wants to check it out and review any of the products you've loved/hated or want to suggest things to add- that would be great! (Link below)

Best surprise ever!
I have been struggling this week with some of the less fun sides of pregnancy.  I've felt a severe lack of energy this week and a fresh wave of depression.  I hate admitting that even when a miracle is happening.  I'm so prone to depression anyway- and I have to say I'm proud of myself for doing as well as I am without any medication anyway.  I'm bound to have bad weeks where I'm more emotional and dead tired.  I don't think I would feel so bad about it if my 4 year old wasn't affected by the days where all I feel like I can do is lay in my bed.  I try to do what I can with him to keep him entertained and away from the TV.  I'm so excited (for his sake) for kindergarten to start in a month.  I'm also emotional about it because the idea of my baby being gone from 8-3 five days a a week is a little too much for me right now.

I think some of the emotional difficulties stem from the fact that I've struggled with pain management this week.  It's all related.  My SI joint has continued to worsen.  Up to this point, the slipping and moving was just on my right side- this week the hypermobility has spread to both sides.  It makes it extremely difficult to sit up from laying down, stand from sitting, bend over slightly, or walk.  The bones will suddenly slip and grind.  Sometimes my hip or leg will buckle and give out completely.  Kevin wants me to "go down the stairs on my bum when I'm home alone."  When the bones slip it usually makes me scream out in pain and now I have no "good side" to lean on to help me find relief.  It seems no matter the direction I move the pain just spreads.  Kevin is shocked by how much my bones are moving.  He said he's never had a patient in the clinic who is so unstable while moving.  With me being so high-risk and trying not to cause more bleeding with movement and pressure, he doesn't want to do any manipulations until after baby comes.  I'm sure if I talked to my OB they would either send me to a chiropractor or PT and I just don't feel safe about it.  Not when I can bleed just from sitting down wrong.  I had lots of chriopractor adjustments when I was pregnant with Jack and I was no where near this bad.  At this point my plan is to just suffer through it...and try to move slowly and symmetrically at all times.  It's just not worth the risk at this point.  Fortunately it is always at its worst at night when I have help at home.  It's a small price to pay for a healthy girl though- I'll take it! 
Shout out to Jack for being my photographer this week! Haha! He's so cute

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

17 week update (with baby GIRL!)

17 Weeks!  (And so ready for football!  My gear might not fit by football season...)
17 weeks in and 23 weeks to go! Our most exciting news this week was finding out that we have a precious little girl on the way! Kevin and I both thought we were having a girl- but it was still hard to believe it when the tech said "It's a girl!" My emotions almost overtook me. How is it that I get everything I've ever wanted? I have a daughter! It is so surreal!

I have always imagined my rainbow baby as a girl. For some reason the miracle always looked like a baby girl in my mind. In our hardest moments of grief, Kevin and I would reassure each other that "She's going to come to us. She'll come soon." Of course that still seemed like fairy tale talk- and now it's a reality and my heart is so overwhelmed with gratitude. We named her years ago and it still feels like the right name. We're going to wait a bit to officially name her and share it with everyone though.

The ultrasound was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. When she first came on the screen, she was completely curled up into a perfect ball- sound asleep. We had to bug her a bit to get her to wake up- and to watch that was amazing. She was stretching over and over- arms and legs and then thrusting her head back. Then she would lay her arm sleepily back across her face. We tried to look at her from a different angle, and saw her yawn over and over. It was astounding to see her mouth open and close- here she is, this little person inside of me, already making facial expressions.

Perfect little face and five fingers counted 

When it came time to check the gender I was really nervous it wouldn't be clear. Everything is fully formed but the baby has to be cooperative to really be sure. We found out with Jack at 21 weeks, so this was more than a month sooner. Fortunately, we had an experienced tech and she checked several times and said it was perfectly clear, no mistaking it. She was able to point out the girl parts to us and not just the absence of boy parts. She was 100% sure. That helped put my mind at ease that she wouldn't suddenly be a boy at the 20 week anatomy scan. Finding out the gender of my baby was another milestone I wasn't sure we would experience it again. This pregnancy is all passing in a blur because I'm just standing here in disbelief that it's happening! Being able to assign her a pronoun has made this so much more real.

Potty shot ;) Look at that cute little foot in the first picture!
As we were leaving the office, the girl behind the dress trimmed a flower for me and handed it to me in a little tube of water, telling me congrats on my girl and the flower would turn pink in a few hours. It may have been routine for them, but I about wept right there. It was the most sincere "thank you" I've said in a while.

It just so happened that I had a coupon from when I bought Jack's school uniforms to get some clothes from Gymboree for free. I obviously wanted to use the coupon for baby clothes but didn't know the gender the day I needed to order. I decided I would just pick and if I was wrong, I would go exchange the clothes. It was perfect timing that a box of beautiful little baby girl clothes showed up on my doorstep the day we found out! It really helped with the excitement!

I also found the perfect outfit to bring our little girl home in. I get so excited just looking at the picture of it. It's sitting in my etsy cart safe and sound for when we get a little closer to D-day.  We'll see how long I can wait to buy it haha.  I told myself I would enjoy every second of this pregnancy- and I'm trying- but as scary as it is I think we are both more anxious just to have baby in our arms.

The perfect coming home outfit
When Jack was told that he was getting a baby sister- he was initially pretty bummed out. He was SO sure that he was getting a little brother. He was trying to be brave about it but got a little emotional. It was so sad- poor kid. I told him that little sisters can still play cars and astronauts too and that seemed to help a little. I thought, "He'll probably come around in a week or so." I was wrong- it only took a few hours. Later that night, Jack was chattering away excitedly to my belly. He was telling baby, "Did you know we have a doggie named Mozart? We can play with him..." The same thing happened a few days later. I was sitting on a bench at Papa Murphy's waiting for our pizza. I look down and there's Jack, talking to baby about the pizza and everything else under the sun. Before he stands up he always says, "Ok baby, got to go, love you!" I almost got emotional right there- how did I get so lucky? What a sweet brother he already is. He has adjusted to the idea beautifully and talks constantly about "my baby sister." I'm so blessed. The fear is not gone- but I am really trying to enjoy these amazing moments. Remember before we were even pregnant that Jack was talking about a room for a little sister? With yellow elephants? It was like a prophecy. I'm doing her room and furniture in grays and yellows, yes with elephants included. I wouldn't have it any other way. We were extra lucky to find a fantastic secondhand dresser this week. I can't believe how little we paid for it and what great condition it's in. I can't wait to paint it and post some pictures!

Developmentally this week, baby is working on developing her senses. Sight, hearing, smell, and touch are all becoming stronger senses. So cool! Her brain is starting to regulate her heartbeat.  I wish I was feeling strong kicks- but none yet! It would be reassuring, but they did warn me it would take longer because of the placental placement. I'm glad I have my doppler for days when I haven't felt any movement at all. Her heart sounds perfect. I've had a really rough go with my SI joint this week. Especially on the right side, it is slipping out pretty often and it's been the most excruciating pain I've experienced in a long time. Luckily my baby daddy is a PT and can help- but when it's unexpected and just slips and the bones grind each other (usually in the middle of the night when I get up to use the bathroom) it is hard even to breathe through the pain. I hope I can survive it when I'm actually carrying more weight. Just happy to be experiencing some of the pains of pregnancy!  We love this baby girl!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

4 month update

Wow what a rough week!  I'm happy to have made it to another month mark.  Let's start with the happy stuff- baby is doing amazing things this week.  Now, baby can hold his or her head up in the womb, and their hearing is working!  It's especially exciting to Jack that baby can hear- he's been talking to my belly all week so that baby knows his voice- it's so cute.  I'm getting new stretch marks that I didn't have with Jack- so baby must be growing.  I haven't felt any strong kicks yet, probably due to the low-lying anterior placenta, but I'm feeling more movement which is very reassuring!

The week started out rough just a few days in.  On Friday night, I had a full on panic attack for the first time in a long time.  I think I was feeling emotional with all the horrible current events happening, and I was feeling anxious because of some cramping and back pain.  I felt the panic coming on and laid down in bed.  I told Kevin "I feel like I might have a panic attack..." and that fast, it started.  It felt like my lungs completely deflated and I couldn't get them to open.  So I sat there with a total concave chest trying to breathe in for 10-15 seconds at a time, but taking I wasn't taking in any air.  Just inhuman sucking sounds and gasping.  It happened over and over.  It was terrifying.  When I could breathe it was just sobs.  My brain was screaming at me, "Breathe!  You have to breathe!  Your baby needs air!"  I started feeling tightening in the uterus and something in my brain snapped that I was going to give myself contractions if I couldn't get it together.  Luckily the whole thing only lasted ten minutes.  It has been months since I've had such an intense episode.  It was a let down because I've really been doing so well even off all medication.  I was able to pray before bed and actually get a good night's rest.

The next day, I had a fun morning at a bridal shower for my soon-to-be sister-in-law.  I was happy and calm and glad the past night's events were behind me.  My bestie said she wanted to take me out for some tacos.  Well shoot, it had been months since I could stomach tacos, so I was ready to give that a try!  We went out to lunch and I excused myself to the bathroom (since you know, my bladder lasts about 10 minutes these days.)  To my shock and horror, I found blood when I went in the bathroom.  It was bright red and soaking the toilet paper.  My head started spinning.  I hadn't seen fresh blood that heavy for two months.  Back in the first trimester, I had a reason to bleed- the SCH.  But we saw at 13 weeks that the bleed was totally resolved.  I walked back out to the table- with no appetite left, not quite sure what to do.  It was Saturday so the OB was closed.  I decided to drive 40 minutes back home to check baby's heartbeat.  After the torturous wait, baby's heartbeat sounded strong and normal to me.  I decided to just keep an eye on the bleeding, hoping that somehow my cervix was just irritated.

The next day, I was really careful to take it easy.  I stayed home from church and stayed in bed until 11am.  I wish it was as relaxing as it sounds haha.  When I got up, I found more blood.  I calmly called the on call OB and explained what was happening.  I was a little more worried now because I could feel some tightening and the blood seemed to be mixed with fluid.  I was afraid of an incompetent cervix- worried that it was creeping open and this baby was going to be born way too early.  After asking me a few questions, the OB said I needed to go over to the ER to be evaluated.  I was pretty calm on the phone, hung up, started to get dressed and tried to stay positive.  I called Kevin, explained the situation, and told him to come home from church to take me to the ER.  He asked "Are you ok?" and just like that, I couldn't control my sobs.  I collapsed on the floor and cried for a long time.  How many times do I have to do this?  How long will it be required for me to worry about my baby's well being while still in the womb?  How long will I have legitimate reasons to worry?

My family came over to watch Jack and we headed to the ER.  Of course it was a Sunday afternoon because this can't ever happen on like a Wednesday.  We waited in the waiting room for three and a half hours- surrounded by people vomiting loudly into little blue bags.  My back was screaming at me- it was just misery.  In an attempt to move things along, they drew my labs and got my IV placed and then sent me back to the waiting room.  So I got to just sit out there with an IV in my arm.  I was really glad I had checked baby's heart before we came so it wasn't quite as torturous.
Smiling through it
When I finally got a bed it was such a relief just to lay down.  I had a killer headache and asked for some fluids, so they gave me some NS in my IV and thankfully it helped just to be hydrated.  I hoped that would stop any unnecessary uterine cramping too.  They did an ultrasound to check for a source of bleeding.  What we found was pretty encouraging.  The amniotic fluid was an appropriate level and the cervix appeared to be closed.  I didn't get very many good looks at baby because they only did a couple quick measurements, but he or she was measuring in the 16th week (and I was 15 weeks 4 days) so that was reassuring.  When they looked at the placenta, they said it was very low lying- only 1cm away from covering the opening to the cervix (yikes.)  They said as my belly grows, it is more likely to pull away from the cervix instead of growing over the top of it.  I hope so, I do not want a C-section.  I wondered if that could be the cause of the extra pressure and bleeding.  They didn't see any SCHs or places where the placenta was pulling away.

My guess was that there's a burst blood vessel on the cervix or something like that- which could cause a sudden loss of fresh blood.  I am on aspirin, which might increase the bleeding slightly.  Still, it's terrifying.  The ER doctor told me to rest and take it easy and follow up with the OB on Wednesday.  By the time I left the ER, the bleeding had stopped.  Kevin filmed the ultrasound, so I was able to watch it when we got home.  I was able to screenshot a few blurry pics of baby from the exam (and from the glimpse I saw, I thought I could maybe see some girl parts....but impossible to tell until we have a tech actually check the gender.) 

legs looking up
 The next day- I had this relief-post-hospital high and felt pretty good.  Until blood showed up again.  It just about broke me.  My heart just needs a little break!  I called the OB again and they said there really wasn't anything else they could do.  Whatever was causing the bleeding to start with was probably not resolved yet.  They told me to rest and I could talk more to the doctor on Wednesday.  It's hard not to get depressed just "taking it easy around the house."  My emotions are fragile and usually the way I avoid depression is by checking a bunch of tasks off a list.  Even though none of that really matters.  One good thing is we were able to move our private ultrasound up one week, so we can thoroughly check on baby this Friday.  In our private ultrasound they'll look at what we want, get us some good pictures, and we can officially find out the gender.  I feel like those things will help Kevin and I deal with the worry and stress.

Belly love.  This is the best therapy
My appointment today went surprisingly well!  I walked in with a pretty bad mood (day 5 of spotting) and left feeling happy.  My doctor was wonderful.  She checked how I was doing because my weight has gone down again.  I told her I really think it's a metabolism thing- and that my thyroid actually functions better when I'm pregnant.  I couldn't lose weight before to save my life- but my metabolism seems to like being pregnant.  I'm eating enough and not vomiting now- so hopefully in the next few weeks I start to gain weight again.  They checked my thyroid levels, so I'm hoping they come back ok.  As far as the bleeding goes, she doesn't think my cervix is the issue at all (which is a relief.)  She thinks that with my placenta being so low and close to the cervix- that it is likely the source of the bleeding.  Pressure or movement can make the placenta bleed pretty easily, and it's close enough to a place where the blood can come out.  I have some restrictions to try and keep the bleeding down, but for now we're ok.  If the bleeding picks up instead of stays the same or gets better, I need to go in and be reevaluated again.  She said usually by the third trimester, the uterus has grown enough that the placenta will pull away from the cervix.  I really don't wait to wait another 12 weeks, so here's to hoping I grow faster than that.  She checked on baby's heart and smiled saying, "This baby sounds really healthy."

I talked to her about all my concerns with taking aspirin up to delivery.  The most important thing is that I keep taking it for now.  I think a lot of my worry is out of fear of stillbirth more than science- but I still wanted to discuss the risks.  She said she was ok with me taking it through delivery and would talk to some people at the hospital to see if that would change anything with an epidural (it usually doesn't I don't think...didn't last time) or if I have an emergency c-section.  I also thought about stopping it closer to delivery- 36 or 38 weeks instead of 34.  I think we'll just keep discussing it as the time gets closer.  She's of the opinion that the aspirin probably won't influence or help too much at the very end with clotting, etc.  Also if I continue bleeding we may have to have another risk vs. benefit conversation about me staying on it.  One week at a time.  That's the only way to do this.

Less than two days until we find out if I'm carrying a sweet baby boy or baby girl!  I'm feeling really excited!  It's a great feeling to be excited, after so much gloom and doom- I can't wait!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

15 week update

This week has been full of all kinds of celebrations!  We had lots of different events for the 4th of July and Kevin's birthday, and it made the week go by a little faster- thank goodness.  I hope the weeks start dragging less as the pregnancy progresses.  It really has been a good week!  I've graduated from all hormonal supplementation, which feel crazy and a little scary, but it is an exciting step!

This little hand has grown so much!
Animation of baby at 15 weeks

Baby has continued developing rapidly- this week their legs are finally longer than the arms, so proportions are evening out.  Baby is at least as large as an avocado this week- depending if we are still measuring ahead...maybe bigger.  Our little one can now sense light through closed eye lids- which is just incredible.  We are so excited to find out the gender in only 15 more days!

I've really been focusing on being happy this week.  I saw this little meme floating around on Facebook that read, "Cherophobia: The fear of being too happy because 'something tragic' will happen."  That resonated so strongly with me.  I felt a renewed resolve to not let fear stand in the way of my joy.  We never know what life will bring- but we have to enjoy it while it's happening.  This is an experience we've waited for through six losses and four painful years.  I don't want to taint our current joy with fear from our past experiences.  For years, whenever we would lose a baby, we were told something about "God's plan" and I think I started to associate that idea with intense pain and sadness.  God's plan meant you suffer through what He has planned because He knows better.  I'm having a paradigm shift this week and remembering that God's plan for us holds more joy than we can comprehend.  The struggle we endure will equal the blessings when all is made right.  It seems like such a foreign concept that God could actually want this baby to live and be born into our family, and for our cup to overflow with happiness.  When I think of all my other amazing blessings that were put right in my path, I wonder how I could have ever doubted God's love for me and His plan for my life.  It's part of growing.  In the hard moments, all I really need to do is the cliche "count my blessings."  Then I remember.    


Puppy bonding with Baby
We've had some really exciting moments with Baby this week.  One day when I was feeling anxious, I decided to check on the heartbeat, and I was thrilled with what I found!  The heartbeat is so much louder now, and has morphed into a beautiful "galloping sound" which is a great sign of a healthy heart.  It's funny now, because sometimes the heartbeat is so loud I know the doppler is right on top of it- but then baby will quickly move away.  I'm glad that baby is somewhat bothered by the doppler poking around and moves away from it- another great sign! Haha!  You can watch the heartbeat video below:

The most exciting part of this week for me was feeling movement start to come back!  When I felt little flips at around 11 weeks- I think it was easy to feel them because baby stayed in the "corner" of my uterus, and I could feel it when baby would do a full somersault.  Soon after that though, as my belly got bigger and baby moved more to the middle of my belly, I wasn't able to feel anything for a few weeks.  Now that the skeleton is hardening it will continue to be easier to feel movements.  It is still a rare occurrence, but this week I have felt a couple pushes and jumps- usually when I'm lying on my side.  It is one of those experiences I wondered if I would ever have again.  I used to wonder "Will I ever feel another one of my babies kick?"  I am full of gratitude and I'm so glad I didn't give up.  The best movement I felt this week was at the conclusion of the fireworks finale on the 4th of July.  It was such great timing and an emotional moment for me.  I was sitting there watching the show, and thinking about all that I am thankful for, when Baby gave me a great little reminder too.

My big boy is already growing into a great big brother.  His excitement about the baby is contagious.  He will watch those Baby Center medical videos about baby's development over and over.  I sit there wondering "Is this appropriate for him..." haha.  But then all week he repeats what he learned.  He told me that baby can grab the umbilical cord and is swallowing fluid.  Yesterday, I was in the kitchen, and Jack walks in with a flashlight and points it directly into my belly.   Then he explains that baby can see light this week, and if we point a flashlight into where baby is, he or she will probably move away from it.  He is so smart, and so loving.  Every time he asks how baby is and I tell him "Good!  Baby is doing really well!" he just smiles and says, "It's because I keep saying prayers for baby Mommy!  Heavenly Father is blessing the baby."  I don't think he knows how wise he is.  I hope he can hold onto that childlike faith he has.  I've started planning little ideas for his 5th birthday (??!!) and want to make sure he feels celebrated and loved before he is no longer an only child (hooray!!)

Here's to hoping this upcoming week is just as happy and exciting!
