Wednesday, July 20, 2016

17 week update (with baby GIRL!)

17 Weeks!  (And so ready for football!  My gear might not fit by football season...)
17 weeks in and 23 weeks to go! Our most exciting news this week was finding out that we have a precious little girl on the way! Kevin and I both thought we were having a girl- but it was still hard to believe it when the tech said "It's a girl!" My emotions almost overtook me. How is it that I get everything I've ever wanted? I have a daughter! It is so surreal!

I have always imagined my rainbow baby as a girl. For some reason the miracle always looked like a baby girl in my mind. In our hardest moments of grief, Kevin and I would reassure each other that "She's going to come to us. She'll come soon." Of course that still seemed like fairy tale talk- and now it's a reality and my heart is so overwhelmed with gratitude. We named her years ago and it still feels like the right name. We're going to wait a bit to officially name her and share it with everyone though.

The ultrasound was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. When she first came on the screen, she was completely curled up into a perfect ball- sound asleep. We had to bug her a bit to get her to wake up- and to watch that was amazing. She was stretching over and over- arms and legs and then thrusting her head back. Then she would lay her arm sleepily back across her face. We tried to look at her from a different angle, and saw her yawn over and over. It was astounding to see her mouth open and close- here she is, this little person inside of me, already making facial expressions.

Perfect little face and five fingers counted 

When it came time to check the gender I was really nervous it wouldn't be clear. Everything is fully formed but the baby has to be cooperative to really be sure. We found out with Jack at 21 weeks, so this was more than a month sooner. Fortunately, we had an experienced tech and she checked several times and said it was perfectly clear, no mistaking it. She was able to point out the girl parts to us and not just the absence of boy parts. She was 100% sure. That helped put my mind at ease that she wouldn't suddenly be a boy at the 20 week anatomy scan. Finding out the gender of my baby was another milestone I wasn't sure we would experience it again. This pregnancy is all passing in a blur because I'm just standing here in disbelief that it's happening! Being able to assign her a pronoun has made this so much more real.

Potty shot ;) Look at that cute little foot in the first picture!
As we were leaving the office, the girl behind the dress trimmed a flower for me and handed it to me in a little tube of water, telling me congrats on my girl and the flower would turn pink in a few hours. It may have been routine for them, but I about wept right there. It was the most sincere "thank you" I've said in a while.

It just so happened that I had a coupon from when I bought Jack's school uniforms to get some clothes from Gymboree for free. I obviously wanted to use the coupon for baby clothes but didn't know the gender the day I needed to order. I decided I would just pick and if I was wrong, I would go exchange the clothes. It was perfect timing that a box of beautiful little baby girl clothes showed up on my doorstep the day we found out! It really helped with the excitement!

I also found the perfect outfit to bring our little girl home in. I get so excited just looking at the picture of it. It's sitting in my etsy cart safe and sound for when we get a little closer to D-day.  We'll see how long I can wait to buy it haha.  I told myself I would enjoy every second of this pregnancy- and I'm trying- but as scary as it is I think we are both more anxious just to have baby in our arms.

The perfect coming home outfit
When Jack was told that he was getting a baby sister- he was initially pretty bummed out. He was SO sure that he was getting a little brother. He was trying to be brave about it but got a little emotional. It was so sad- poor kid. I told him that little sisters can still play cars and astronauts too and that seemed to help a little. I thought, "He'll probably come around in a week or so." I was wrong- it only took a few hours. Later that night, Jack was chattering away excitedly to my belly. He was telling baby, "Did you know we have a doggie named Mozart? We can play with him..." The same thing happened a few days later. I was sitting on a bench at Papa Murphy's waiting for our pizza. I look down and there's Jack, talking to baby about the pizza and everything else under the sun. Before he stands up he always says, "Ok baby, got to go, love you!" I almost got emotional right there- how did I get so lucky? What a sweet brother he already is. He has adjusted to the idea beautifully and talks constantly about "my baby sister." I'm so blessed. The fear is not gone- but I am really trying to enjoy these amazing moments. Remember before we were even pregnant that Jack was talking about a room for a little sister? With yellow elephants? It was like a prophecy. I'm doing her room and furniture in grays and yellows, yes with elephants included. I wouldn't have it any other way. We were extra lucky to find a fantastic secondhand dresser this week. I can't believe how little we paid for it and what great condition it's in. I can't wait to paint it and post some pictures!

Developmentally this week, baby is working on developing her senses. Sight, hearing, smell, and touch are all becoming stronger senses. So cool! Her brain is starting to regulate her heartbeat.  I wish I was feeling strong kicks- but none yet! It would be reassuring, but they did warn me it would take longer because of the placental placement. I'm glad I have my doppler for days when I haven't felt any movement at all. Her heart sounds perfect. I've had a really rough go with my SI joint this week. Especially on the right side, it is slipping out pretty often and it's been the most excruciating pain I've experienced in a long time. Luckily my baby daddy is a PT and can help- but when it's unexpected and just slips and the bones grind each other (usually in the middle of the night when I get up to use the bathroom) it is hard even to breathe through the pain. I hope I can survive it when I'm actually carrying more weight. Just happy to be experiencing some of the pains of pregnancy!  We love this baby girl!

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